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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whatever Happen to the Late Night Movie?

Do you remember the days of the late night movie? I do. I miss the days of staying up late and finding the weirdest and goofiest movie I could find around midnight or one or two in the morning, on either a local or cable channel. You remember those B movies classics right? Remember, that night you couldn’t sleep, so you turn on your TV, hoping to find something that would help you to sleep, but to your surprise, you found the lowest budgeted film ever made possibly, that was totally ridiculous, but you can’t stop watching it.

So what has happened to the original midnight movie? Basically, it’s a thing of the past, now replaced with the endless supply of infomercials and constant rotation of your basic blockbusters from the past 5-10 years. It’s really sad those days are gone, because those movies were always a great topic for conversations between family and friends, when discussing the worst or cheesiest movie, ever made.

My favorite late night, B movie classic, has got to be the 1978 film, “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes,” which was the funniest and weirdest film I have ever seen. The theme song was so hilarious, that after years have went by, I still remember it. George Clooney must been a fan as well, because his first movie debut was in the sequel, “Return of the Killer Tomatoes.” I remember watching both of those movies for the first time on USA network’s weekend series, “Up All Night,” back in the early 90’s. Ahh good times!!

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